Skincare routines with:
COSRX Pure Fit Cica Powder
Tenho 34 anos, noto uma pele mais cansada, com menos volume e linha finas evidentes ao redor da boca e dos olhos. Flacidez no contorno e nas bochechas, aparentando uma queda geral no sorriso, nos olhos e na mandíbula. Pele está com bom viço, poros relativamente controlados, pouca textura irregular e vasinhos controlados. Está com pigmentação irregular mediana nas áreas da parte alta da testa, nos cantos da boca e as vezes na parte alta da bochecha. Boca um pouco flácida e com linhas mais marcadas, está um pouco caída nos cantos mas no geral está bem delineada.
Pretendo por em prática algumas mudanças pra melhorar aspectos de saúde e beleza esse ano:
• Manter foco nos exercícios físicos
•Parar de fumar novamente
•Suplementar vitaminas, hormônios e ervas
•Adequar a alimentação
•Fazer meditação e exercícios faciais
•Atividades na natureza
•Botox e bio estimulador de colágeno
•Uso de tretinoína tópica durante 6 meses. Sendo 3 meses de 0,5 e 3 meses de 1g. Após, fazer usar de +6 meses de tretinoína oral em dose baixa e retinol suave alguns dias da semana, mas sempre focando em recuperar a barreira para o próximo ano.
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AM - Everyday
Use every day, as many times as needed. For most people, it's best to use a moisturizer twice per day. In the morning, apply it before your sunscreen (or skip the moisturizer in the morning if your sunscreen feels hydrating enough). In the evening, a moisturizer is usually the last step of a routine.
PM - Everyday
Use a generous amount of product to remove all dirt, sunscreen or makeup in one step. There is no need to double-cleanse. It is a good idea to always finish cleansing with a splash of clean water to remove any residue from the cleanser. Most people only need to cleanse their skin with a cleanser once per day, at night. It is the first step of a night skincare routine.
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AM - Everyday
Use every day, as many times as needed. For most people, it's best to use a moisturizer twice per day. In the morning, apply it before your sunscreen (or skip the moisturizer in the morning if your sunscreen feels hydrating enough). In the evening, a moisturizer is usually the last step of a routine.
PM - Everyday
Use a generous amount of product to remove all dirt, sunscreen or makeup in one step. There is no need to double-cleanse. It is a good idea to always finish cleansing with a splash of clean water to remove any residue from the cleanser. Most people only need to cleanse their skin with a cleanser once per day, at night. It is the first step of a night skincare routine.
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AM - Everyday
Use every day, as many times as needed. For most people, it's best to use a moisturizer twice per day. In the morning, apply it before your sunscreen (or skip the moisturizer in the morning if your sunscreen feels hydrating enough). In the evening, a moisturizer is usually the last step of a routine.
AM - Once a week
You can apply this product either during the day or at night, before your moisturizer or sunscreen. You can also apply it as a spot treatment only - as in directly on inflamed blemishes or in the area where you get clogged pores. We recommend that you use the product no more than once a week on larger areas of your face. More frequent use can result in skin irritation.
PM - Everyday
Use a generous amount of product to remove all dirt, sunscreen or makeup in one step. There is no need to double-cleanse. It is a good idea to always finish cleansing with a splash of clean water to remove any residue from the cleanser. Most people only need to cleanse their skin with a cleanser once per day, at night. It is the first step of a night skincare routine.
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AM - Everyday
Use every day, as many times as needed. For most people, it's best to use a moisturizer twice per day. In the morning, apply it before your sunscreen (or skip the moisturizer in the morning if your sunscreen feels hydrating enough). In the evening, a moisturizer is usually the last step of a routine.
PM - Everyday
Use a generous amount of product to remove all dirt, sunscreen or makeup in one step. There is no need to double-cleanse. It is a good idea to always finish cleansing with a splash of clean water to remove any residue from the cleanser. Most people only need to cleanse their skin with a cleanser once per day, at night. It is the first step of a night skincare routine.
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