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Naturium - Vitamin C Super Serum Plus
Price: $25
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TruSkin - Tea Tree Clear Skin Super Serum
Price: $37.8
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Product summary

"Dr. Brandt - REVITALIZING FACE SERUM" is effective for: Exfoliation, Anti-blemish, Evens skin tone, Anti-aging and Moisturizing

Ingredient callouts

  • Exfoliating acids in a high total concentration (lactic acid 23.00% - 34.00%). This is a strong peel. It removes the top layer of the dead skin cells, revealing a "fresher" skin. It can also have an anti-aging effect and stimulate collagen production in a long-run. But we recommend to use this product with caution to avoid over-exfoliation (no more than 1-2x a week). Over-exfoliation can seriously damage your skin barrier and lead to sensitivity and even trigger pigmentation issues.
  • This product contains an effective form of Retinoids (vitamin A): retinol 3.60% - 5.50%. Retinoids are potent multitasking actives. They work to improve and prevent early signs of aging, reduce hyperpigmentation (age spots and post-acne marks), and prevent inflamed blemishes and clogged pores. The downside of Retinoids is that they can be irritating. If you are not already using a Retinoid in your routine, it is best to start slowly and apply the Retinoid product only a few times per week. If your skin tolerates it well, you can gradually increase the frequency to daily.
  • Ceramides (ceramide 1 4.70% - 7.10%). Ceramides are a type of lipids that our skin produces itself. They are a building block of the skin's barrier. Ceramides used in skincare are synthetic or extracted from plants. They work well for softening the skin surface and "patch holes" in the skin's barrier.
  • Salicylic acid (0.85% - 1.30%). This is an oil-soluble exfoliating acid. Because of this property, it can work inside pores and help reduce the congestion. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used to treat acne. Because it is a quite strong exfoliator, be careful with using this product too often: it could result in over-exfoliation.
  • Humectants (hyaluronic acid 7.00% - 10.40% and lactic acid 23.00% - 34.00%). These ingredients help attract water to the upper layer of the skin and improve the skin hydration.


The product retails from 113.00$ up to 3627000.00$ in the United States.

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