Which products i should avoid to have less clogged pores and what i should avoid mixing
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PS I also pay attention to the pore cloggers in my routine as a whole. For example, if my daily routine includes three products that each contain Tocopherol, I’ll think carefully before adding another product with Tocopherol.
Hi Tishaanimal,
A good website to check your products for pore clogging ingredients is acneclinicnyc.com. You can copy and paste any of your product’s’ ingredient lists there and it will tell you if there are any potential comedogenic ingredients in them.
I think it’s pretty reliable, however, I did notice that some ingredients they list don’t actually clog my pores. For example, Tocopherol is in a couple of the products I’ve used for 6 months or more and my skin isn’t getting clogged. So what I do is look up ingredients to any new product I’m considering buying and if the list shows there’s only one pore clogging ingredient, I’ll still try the product and see for myself. Or if there are two pore cloggers but they’re at the bottom of the list I might still try it for myself.
Cassandra Bankson and Dr. Dray on YouTube have some good info on pore clogging ingredients that helped ease my mind a bit. Not every pore clogging ingredient will bother everyone’s skin.