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Product summary
"The Body Shop - Vitamin E Moisture Cream" has a good moisturizing formula. To work well, any moisturizer needs to include a combination of water-binding and emollient ingredients. The Body Shop - Vitamin E Moisture Cream ticks this box. Sorbitol in this product (humectants) attract water molecules to the upper layer of the skin (the water comes from the outside air or from the deeper layers of the skin if the air is dry). Emollients in this formulation (lanolin, cetyl esters, glyceryl stearate and isopropyl palmitate) help to reduce the moisture loss from the skin. They also soften the skin surface and relieve the feeling of dryness and tightness.
Irritation risk
This formulation includes some common irritants, including ingredients that do not provide a benefit for the skin. We assess the overall irritancy of this moisturizer to be medium. For a detailed overview of all potential irritants: click here
You can see the detailed formula review with the breakdown of all actives in the product and the full ingredient list with estimated concentrations in the tables below.
About the brand
According to Cruelty-Free Kitty "The Body Shop" is cruelty free and so is its parent company.
The product retails for 50.00A$ in Australia, for 23.19$ in the United States and for 14.99£ in the United Kingdom.
This product can help improve hydration of the skin with the two types of ingredients.
The first type is called “humectants”: these ingredients help attract water.
When humectants are on the surface of the skin, they “pull in” the moisture from the outside environment, or from
within deeper layers of the skin. The following ingredients in this product do the job:
glycerin, sodium hyaluronate.
This product also contains ingredients called “occlusives”. They help reduce the speed with which our skin loses
moisture to the outside environment. These ingredients also help soften the upper layer of the skin, so it feels
less tight and nicer to the touch. The following ingredients in this product do the job:
myristyl myristate, cetyl esters.
One of the best moisturizing ingredients. Attracts water into the upper layer of the skin
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This product contains antioxidants (rubus idaeus seed oil) that might be able to help
neutralize free radicals in skin to lessen the damage it gets from the UV light (sun).
There is not enough evidence to confirm their effectiveness in skin though.
A more stable but less bio-available form of vitamin E compared to Tocopherol. Might help moisturize and protect the skin from free radicals, but mostly used in low concentrations to stabilize other ingredients.
What does the product description say?
The antioxidant power of Vitamin E in this moisture cream helps prevent premature aging and damage from free radicals when used as part of your daily skin care regime, protecting your skin¿s future.
This product does not contain ingredients that are able to reduce fine lines and wrinkles or help with skin
but it can improve the look of the skin temporarily through moisturization. Well-moisturized skin might also be
able to repair the sun damage better.
This ingredient rubus idaeus seed oil might be able to help neutralize free radicals
in skin and help it fight off some of the sun damage.
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