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Product summary
"CAdA Suissesse - Stem Cellue Nano Platinum Skin Rejuvenating Mask" could be helpful for: Anti-aging and Moisturizing, but its actives are not the most effective or are not well-studied.
Ingredient callouts
Humectants (carnosine 2.60% - 3.90% and sodium pca 7.80% - 11.60%). These ingredients help attract water to the upper layer of the skin and improve the skin hydration.
The product retails for 41.90$ in the United States.
Infused in a product range that includes sheet masks, facial serums and eye serums, this hero ingredient promotes skin cell regeneration to reduce wrinkles and fine lines, resulting in more youthful-looking skin.
This product contains carnosine.
This ingredient might be able to help
reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin elasticity and firmness, but there is not enough
evidence that it actually works.
A type of peptide. It attracts water to the upper layer of the skin. It can help neutralize free radicals in skin combatting the sun damage
This product contains good ingredients to attract water to the upper layer of the skin. These ingredients are called
carnosine, sodium pca.
When humectants are on the surface of the skin, they “pull in” the moisture from the outside environment, or from
within deeper layers of the skin. If the air is dry, humectants can speed up the moisture loss from the skin. This
is why it is a good idea to use another product on top of this one to help "seal in" the moisture (look for
ingredients like dimethicone, squalane, oils and butters).
Cannot penetrate the skin barrier so is not particularly useful in skincare products
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This product contains antioxidants (carnosine) that can help neutralize
free radicals in skin. By doing so, they can lessen the damage the skin gets from the UV light (sun).