Would someone take on the task of helping me figure out a routine with these products.. and what goes when and etc....
Help organize a routine please 🥺
Of course I do not use all of the products all of the time, every single day, these are just my holy Grail go to products that recently you will find within my current routine.... HOLY GRAILS!!! FOR HEALING BARRIER, ANTI AGING, ANTI ACNE, PORES, ETC ETC.... LOVE 💞 LOVE
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Unfortunately, not yet!! 😔 I would love that if u don't mind!!!
Girl I'm so sorry I don't get notifications here I would love to help u can u email me maybe @ [email protected] and I can get to u faster and we can get u going!!
Has anyone helped you with this yet sweets ? I would love to help you if you are still interested 😉