diyashah diyashah
last year
AM - Everyday
Azelaic Acid Suspension 10% The Ordinary - Azelaic Acid Suspension 10%
Use your azelaic acid product once per day, either in the morning before your sunscreen or at night, before your moisturizer.
PM - Everyday
Pro Soothing Wash Cetaphil - Pro Soothing Wash
Use a generous amount of product to remove all dirt, sunscreen or makeup in one step. There is no need to double-cleanse. It is a good idea to always finish cleansing with a splash of clean water to remove any residue from the cleanser. Most people only need to cleanse their skin with a cleanser once per day, at night. It is the first step of a night skincare routine.
Ingredients Bakuchiol Serum Boots - Ingredients Bakuchiol Serum
You can use this product in the morning or at night, before your moisturizer or sunscreen. If your skin tolerates it well, you can use it twice a day.
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