Elys Elys
7 months ago

Issue with breakouts and inflame pimples🫤

Hello I want to ask about my routine. I tried to focus on healing the skin barrier and heal the scar from my previous breakouts but my skin is only worst and worst. I start to have inflame pimples aroun my whole face (Also where I didn't have before) close comodons are everywhere and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I have combination skin type and I think that also a lit bit sensitive. I'm breaking out from oil clensers so I don't use any. I know I did before a lot of mistakes with niacinamide => I was using this skincare routine (without purito serum) with ordinary 10% niacinamide serum every day and that was overkill🫤... So I'm trying to be careful with that.

I think that I might be "allergic,, with niacinamide (after what I did) so I'm carefull with purito serum (If I remember corect it have about 2% niacinamide) and I'm not sure too if is good idea using round lab spf...

Also I don't know how much I can use centella in one day...

(And yes I'm using two moisturizers. But a little bit of each beacuse when I'm doing that it looks that it helping improve my skin)

I'm sorry for my english and thanks so much that you was even reading it. I would appreciate every response. Thanks so much💕

AM - Everyday
Madagascar Centella Ampoule Foam SKIN 1004 - Madagascar Centella Ampoule Foam
Heartleaf 77% Soothing Toner Anua - Heartleaf 77% Soothing Toner
Soon Jung Barrier Intensive 2x Cream Etude House - Soon Jung Barrier Intensive 2x Cream
Moisturizing Cream CeraVe - Moisturizing Cream
Birch Juice Moisturizing Sunscreen ROUND LAB - Birch Juice Moisturizing Sunscreen
PM - Everyday
Foaming Facial Cleanser CeraVe - Foaming Facial Cleanser
Heartleaf 77% Soothing Toner Anua - Heartleaf 77% Soothing Toner
Soon Jung Barrier Intensive 2x Cream Etude House - Soon Jung Barrier Intensive 2x Cream
Moisturizing Cream CeraVe - Moisturizing Cream
PM - Twice a week
Wonder Releaf Centella Serum Unscented Purito SEOUL - Wonder Releaf Centella Serum Unscented
Buy La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5+ Australia - Beauty Skin Care and Cosmetics La Roche-Posay - Buy La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Baume B5+ Australia - Beauty Skin Care and Cosmetics
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Sometimes ur skin will purge and breakout before it gets better. Maybe this is what is happening to you . I sometimes have problems on my chin and I exfoliate and it usually helps some. Do you use any other products or is this all you use ? Do you have a oil cleanser to do the 1st cleaning of your face then you will do another cleaning with a foaming wash maybe . For me after the cleansing of my face I exfoliate and I have gotten where I can do it daily but u will have to work up to this. I think the exfoliation is what had helped me with my acne problems. I hope this helps and please let me know . Have a great day Good luck dear


Hello thanks so much for advice.😊 I'm using this rutine for several months now and sometime it gets better and sometime don't...

Do you think is good idea to exfoliate? I was always thinking that I have broken skin barrier so I was too scared to try it. And also I don't know how to start... Can you recommend me some exfoliate product to start with?

And yes this is only what I use. I'm not using oil cleanser bc I tried once one (skin 1004 centella oil cleanser) and I had the worst breakout that I ever had.

Thank you again for advice and have a good day too💕


Oil is not your friend when you have acne prone skin. Whatever you pick to use with your skin, all I can suggest is to stick to that and keep with it because less is more and consistency is going to make a huge difference. I definitely would try some type of exfoliation honey. Start out very gently with what ever you choose. You already have inflammation and redness I’m guessing so you might want a very gentle nightly chemical exfoliation but don’t over do it please. The only thing that really ever helped me was a consistent routine like yours but I had to get a retinoid cream from my dermatologist. I know that is not what everyone wants for their own skin though. I hope you the very best 🧡


Hi, thanks sm for advice.💖

I will look for some gently exfoliation and try to use it 2 times a week.


Hi, I’ve noticed that I am really sensitive centella and that’s when I get the most pimples so I have completely cut it out of my routine and my skin got a lot better, that might be the case for you too, good luck!


Hi, thanks so much for advice. I was thinking too that I can be sensitive to centella but sometime it looks that it helping me and my skin goes better so I didn't cut it out.

I will try simplify my routine and cut it out for some days and see how my skin will react. Thanks!


Yes I def recommend that! I also figured out it was my centella serum by cutting it out for one week and using it for another to notice the differences. My skin is also really sensitive and likes calming ingredients, so if you need other types of calming serums in your routine I really recommend anything that focuses on barrier repair, aloe vera, and oats.



J'ai utilisé le nettoyant Cerave et je le trouve extrêmement agressif. Il a asséché ma peau mixte/grasse/sensible/acne, me causant des tiraillements, des irritations et des boutons. Un vrai traumatisme!

Je pense que vous utilisez des crèmes hydratantes (Etude) et un SPF (Round lab) trop riches et qui ne sont pas adaptés à votre type de peau. Ces produits peuvent obstruer vos pores et vous causer des boutons.

Le baume Cicaplast de La roche-posay est extrêmement comédogene. Il s'agit d'un médicament à utiliser en cas de problèmes graves (brulures, cicatrices d'opérations, maladies de peau, coups de soleil, ...). Ce n'est pas réellement un soin réparateur de barrière à utiliser au quotidien. Il convient aux peaux très sèches.

Le serum Purito est plus adapté . Il contient des peptides, des ceramides, du panthenol, de la centella anti-inflammatory dans une texture légère. Il apaise, répare et renforce la barrière cutanée. Il peut être utilisé tous les jours. Pas besoin de rajouter le baume cicaplast.

Pour les crèmes hydratantes, le gel crême rose de Byoma est tres léger pour le jour sous le spf. J'ai bien aimé également la crème légère Calm de Paula choice ainsi que la crème aux électrolytes. Et le gel crème hydratant 100h de Clinique est génial, très hydratant et très léger pour l'été, de jour comme de nuit.

J'utilise le SPF de chez Iunik et je le tolère bien. Il hydrate et ne fait pas briller la peau.

Si vous porter un Spf, il vous faut absolument un démaquillant sinon vous aurez des boutons... peut-être le lait démaquillant Sensifine de SVR pour peau sensible qui contient très peu d'ingrédients (à rincer)

Pour les boutons et le soin des pores, essayer d'éxfolier votre peau 2x par semaine avec un produit pour peau sensible avec du Bha (⚠️) ou du PHA (gluconolactone) beaucoup plus doux, ou des enzymes.

L'acide azelaique peut-etre aussi une solution pour les peaux sensibles, les rougeurs et les boutons (3x par semaine).

Bon courage à vous.

Bye bye


Hi, thanks so much. I didn't know that La Roche-posay cicaplast is only for that. I'm going to stop use it.

I'm thinking about start using pha anua 70 heartleaf pads twice a week and I will look at the product what you recommend me insted of round lab spf and my moisturizers what I'm using now.

I was considering adding a milk make-up remover to my routine but I didn't know which one so I'm going to look at the one you mentioned or try to find other.😊

Thanks again for help. I appreciate it💖


Hello! I'm no expert but I can share my experiences with you.

I've had acne on and off for years and it got much worse when I used anything by Cerave. But I think more specifically, Hyaluronic acid (HA, Sodium Hyaluronate) was the issue. Looking at your list, you have HA in most of these products and specifically in the Anua toner there is a high concentration. I'd watch Dr. Idriss on youtube. The video on HA is very informative. After watching it and finding out that it was in every single Cerave product I had, I completely cut it out of my routine and my acne has calmed down SO much and the texture of my face evened out.

I'd maybe replace the Cerave cleanser and moisturizer and stop using the toner and see if that makes any difference for you too. (I don't even use a toner anymore and I don't miss it one bit, I think they're unnecessary)

The cleanser I use that totally takes care of my clogged pores (and bonus controls the sebum on my tzone) is the Fully green tomato clay cleanser. The formulation is lovely and feels incredibly soothing. I also follow up with a glycerin based serum to rehydrate after. The Aveeno calm and restore triple oat serum is great and doesn't make me feel oily after using it.

Do you use heavier moisturizers because you feel dry after washing your face? And do you use the centella because you feel inflamed?

I'd also recommend Differin's adapalene to introduce a retinoid to your routine (maybe start twice a week?). I started using it a month ago and WOW my pores are so much smaller and I'd also say it controlled my acne as well.

Lastly the only issue I see with your SPF is that again...it has HA in it. You could switch to one that doesn't have any or maybe a very low percentage of it instead.

TLDR: Try staying away from HA, and try a retinoid!

Good luck on your journey :)


Hello. I never pay atention to Hyaluronic acid! I thought that beacuse it is very common ingredience it should be safe and only ,,adding water" to your skin. But here I am.

I will definitely look at that products what you recommend me and watch that video from Dr. Idriss. I'm going to try replace the CeraVe products and anua toner and see if that makes any difference. (I already replace my spf but I'm going to check it too if is there hight concentration of HA)

I'm litte bit scared what will retinol do to my skin so I will try it maybe after my skin will little calm down and I will finally find ,,safe" rutine. (If this sentence makes sense... Sorry for my english)

Thanks so much for your help and advice!! 💕


If you're worried about adding a retinoid to your routine, you could do a super weak retinoid. Dr Idriss recommends A313 which is an ester form of retinol (from my understanding, the weakest strength retinoid). I haven't tried it myself yet since I love the adapalene.


Thanks I will look at it. Anyways I watched that video about HA and it opens my eyes so much. I'm going to definitely limit Hyaluronic acid in my rutine. Thanks 🙇‍♀️
