Hello I want to ask about my routine. I tried to focus on healing the skin barrier and heal the scar from my previous breakouts but my skin is only worst and worst. I start to have inflame pimples aroun my whole face (Also where I didn't have before) close comodons are everywhere and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I have combination skin type and I think that also a lit bit sensitive. I'm breaking out from oil clensers so I don't use any. I know I did before a lot of mistakes with niacinamide => I was using this skincare routine (without purito serum) with ordinary 10% niacinamide serum every day and that was overkill🫤... So I'm trying to be careful with that.
I think that I might be "allergic,, with niacinamide (after what I did) so I'm carefull with purito serum (If I remember corect it have about 2% niacinamide) and I'm not sure too if is good idea using round lab spf...
Also I don't know how much I can use centella in one day...
(And yes I'm using two moisturizers. But a little bit of each beacuse when I'm doing that it looks that it helping improve my skin)
I'm sorry for my english and thanks so much that you was even reading it. I would appreciate every response. Thanks so much💕
Sometimes ur skin will purge and breakout before it gets better. Maybe this is what is happening to you . I sometimes have problems on my chin and I exfoliate and it usually helps some. Do you use any other products or is this all you use ? Do you have a oil cleanser to do the 1st cleaning of your face then you will do another cleaning with a foaming wash maybe . For me after the cleansing of my face I exfoliate and I have gotten where I can do it daily but u will have to work up to this. I think the exfoliation is what had helped me with my acne problems. I hope this helps and please let me know . Have a great day Good luck dear