I have dry sensitive skin that is also acne prone— clogged/ comedones. I wanted to try the NYX Bare with me serum but I wanted to know if it’s friendly for my skin type and non comedogenic
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Thank you so much !! Honestly it’s so hard trying to find a concealer and I wasn’t so sure about this one — heard good things but was wondering if I’d end up looking ashy as well 😂. Do you have any concealer recommendations? Something that’s brightening and consistency isn’t thick? 💓
hello :) ur welcome 😇 i suggest elf camo concealer or the hydrating one if you really have dry undereyes , i like the too faced too but its expensive and the colourpop Hyaluronic Creamy Concealer
hello :) if you're talking about the concealer serum , i bought it it doesn't cover anything , texture is so fluid that it doesn't sit right on the skin , the color disapears once applied undre the eyes or wherever you put it in , i don't recommend it to anyone