Hi everyone! I have rosacea, but also have sensitive skin on my face, the rest of my body not so much. I feel like everything I try irritates my face or flares my rosacea. I currently use ceramedex facial cleanser and facial lotion. However I feel like that still slightly annoys my face. My face is never super happy. Any suggestions would be great.
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Thanks! I will try them!
should the baume be used daily? If so before or after daily lotion?
Hey Chelsa. my boyfriend has some overlapping skin concerns with you. his skin is very dry (some eczema) and really sensitive. I told him to use vanicream daily facial moisturizer and cetaphil gentle skin cleanser. he hasn’t had any issues w sensitivity w either of those products so far. I also told him to buy the La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume, but he’s a little inconsistent w his routine. maybe one day.