Spanny Spanny
2 years ago

Primark PS Overnight facial oil

I use all recommended products for my skin but lately after shopping with my granddaughter who with limited resources and a big fan of Primark, I was impressed by the ingredients in PS overnight facial oil.

I don't use it as part of my night regimn but because I'm up very early, Smith a little over my face and hands. It feels and smells of lavender which with shea butter are two of the products it contains.

My problem only cost £3.95 at the time of purchase. At this price can it live up to what it says it will do?

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Hi mom, I looked for other oils on here with lavender oil or lavender fragrance. Both are high irritation alerts. I'm using an oil recommended on here. Just for facial massage. But like they say on here, oil is not good for moisture! Unless you put hyaluronic acid underneath....


Thank you Captain 💖👍


😘 you're welcome mom.
