on my left side of my chin under the corner of my mouth i keep getting huge pimples. they’ll go away for a few days but come back every time and i don’t quit the routine. I have oily skin and acne prone. i also just started using stridex SA pads twice a week
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Have you ever tried a retinoid? I think a combo of a retinoid every other night and azelaic acid in the AM might help.
I agree adapalene and azelaic acid are probably your best friend here! Sounds like maybe hormonal acne if it’s on the chin (that’s what I have). The only thing that really helped me for that was oral spironolactone from my doctor but a retinoid has also helped a lot.
try adding a toner in between your cleanser and moisturizer. also, consider adapalene gel 2x per week at night after moisturizing- only on the acne prone spots. adapalene helps regulate pores to prevent acne