Joyisinside Joyisinside
2 years ago

Is there an ultimate "age gracefully" skincare method?

I am wondering what your take is on the "best pay for your buck" skincare regime if the goal is to look the best you can into your later years? I don't mean just in terms of money, but the time & effort too. My issue is that I have good skin now (mid 30s), and I don't know what my skin concerns will be when I get older. What is the "gold standard" for a skincare routine for milder, more graceful ageing? I know I can't prevent ageing, and i don't want to, but looking good while getting wiser is appealing to me:). I mostly mean products, but not opposed to procedures (non surgical at least).

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I like the name "age gracefully skincare method"! You should trademark it! 😃

I'd say the magic formula that works for 90% of people is: sunscreen + moisturizer with niacinamide + retinoid + vitamin c (this is in order of importance, but the combo is the best).

If you are open to clinical procedures, the one that seems to have the best balance of safety & effectiveness is botox - when done with a good specialist. There is emerging evidence that botox can also help prevent appearance of deep wrinkles, not just correct existing ones - and I think the procedure is now way more popular with people in early 30s or even late 20s than before. Sunscreen still wins the gold medal in my books:)

I think this post also summarizes the 'ultimate skincare formula" really well:


Interesting you mention botox - i was just chatting with a few friends about it, and I was surprised about the wide range of opinions. The friends who do it swear by it though. I didn't realize it has a prevention effect. I should book a derm appointment I guess.

And yes, I see how sunscreen, and retinoid, and moisturizer + vit C makes sense. I've actually saw the post you linked already - very well said, agreed. I asked the author about vit F - i have never heard about it. Do you use it?
