murt murt
7 months ago
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When you post a question like this, it doesn’t go to the people who work at the website, it goes to the regular community. So that means I don’t work for the website.

I don’t know which other websites you’re referring to so I can’t speak to that.

However, as someone who has been educating herself on skincare for the last decade or more, I can tell you what I understand to be true.

Everyone’s skin, like the rest of our organs, has different needs. We have different genetic makeups, different environments, allergies, stressors, etc. Therefore, a lot of finding the right products is trial and error, unfortunately.

The best any website can do is to warn us of common irritants, comedogenic ingredients, etc. This website uses ratings of high, medium and low. The ones rated highest are the most commonly reported irritants. Rosemary us officianalus leaf extract is a common irritant. That doesn’t mean it will irritate everyone’s skin nor does it mean that it doesn’t have some great benefits to those who aren’t sensitive to it. It just means that if you use a product with that ingredient in it and then notice that either immediately or after some time, your skin gets irritated that you can be wary that that ingredient might be the culprit.

Again, this is my own understanding and I’m not an expert. I hope you find this helpful.
