Katyrose Katyrose
7 months ago

Asap N20 reviews?

I’ve recently started using asap’s new N20 product and I’m not sure if my skin is reacting badly or if it’s all part of the process - all ingredients I’ve used before at lower concentrations and never had issues with. I haven’t got sensitive skin at all.

Within 2 days of starting my chin had a breakout - didn’t concern me as I expected some type of purge given the high concentration of the ingredients. But now my skin is peeling (I haven’t used the serum for 4 days and still peeling).

I’ve looked at the ingredients list so many times and can’t see any reason it would be such an issue for me, but because the product is so new I can’t find any reviews or information online about it.

Wondering if anyone has any ideas? I have been using niacinamide at 10% for a long time, this is a 20% concentration & all of the other ingredients are mainly peptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamin c so nothing that stands out as anything unusual.

I haven’t used for around 6 days now, not sure if I continue trying or stop. And not sure what I should be replacing with - have been using plain hyaluronic acid serum & ceramide moisturiser acting as if im repairing my barrier.

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Hi Katyrose,

It’s hard to say without your whole routine being posted. There are a couple of red flags that stood out, though. First, the peeling. From what I’ve read and studied about skin, peeling from products isn’t good. It’s a sign of an irritated skin barrier. Second, Niaminicide 20% is way too strong. With Niaminicide, 5% is the best concentration. It’s counterintuitive, but with that product, lower is more effective. I don’t know why skincare companies even make it at 20% as that can be very irritating to the skin. With skincare products, more is not more in most cases. Sometimes it’s best to let the lower concentrations work over a longer period of time.


I agree with SusieQue on everything she said. Definitely steer clear of that product. I'd also recommend basting with triple paste to restore your barrier. I had a similar issue where my skin barrier got inflamed from exfoliating too much in a week and it essentially fixed it in one night for me. If you want more info on face basting, check out Dr Idriss on youtube.
