10 months ago

After workout skin care

Hi all,

I have acne prone skin and have an alright routine going at the minute to keep the pimples at bay.

I’ve started to do some more exercise recently to try and get a bit healthier and I think this is making my skin a bit worse. I currently only cleanse once a day using the Cerave blemish control cleanser. I’m thinking a gentle cleanser after a workout could help but maybe not this one with salicylic acid twice a day. Does anyone have any recommendations for this? or do you think a simple wipe with cleansing water would do the job?


Bioderma - Sensibio Cleansing Micellar Water Sensitive Skin
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CeraVe - Blemish Control Cleanser
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Use ceraVe blemish control cleanser after the gym, I guess cleansing twice will be harsh on the skin specially that you are working on the acne by using an exfoliant.

if you sweat a lot while working out, wiping with micellar water after the gym will not be enough to remove the impurities. "I'm not a dermatologist" That's just my opinion from my experience in skin care for a while now. Hope that helped.
