Wasan1989 Wasan1989
10 months ago

Hi. I am 2 months postpartum and currently breastfeeding. Im planning to continue breastfeeding my baby. Can you kindly recommend a skin care routine that is safe ?

My goal is to have a radiant skin (a few years ago i used retinols so i hope to find a safe routine that can give me similar results without using it while breastfeeding)

I have a sensitive normal to combination skin.

I have old acne scars

Minimal hyperpigmentation

Currently using:

laroche posay as a face wash ( i find it to be drying)

laroche posay effaclare mat moisturize

Eucirin oil control sunblock

I was thinking about using a cream that contains azelaic acid and probably niacinamide?

I prefer products in the form of a cream rather than serums as i find my self to be sometimes hypersensitive to serums (i get itchiness/ dryness/ redness and burning sensation)

I highy appreciate your opinion. Thank you for the great website!

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Congratulations on your little one! Depending on your budget and what you'd like to formulate with your routine, I feel like a good place to start as a baseline is products from Pipette :)
