last year

Ingrown hairs help please

Hi all,

Asking for some help for my partner.

He has alopecia which has affected some of his beard, so has recently had to start shaving the rest. Because of the shaving he’s getting some ingrown hairs around the chin and neck area. I’ve heard that exfoliation can be good for this and wanted to ask if anyone had any suggestions for products for physical or chemical exfoliators that you think could help or any other suggestions that you have.

If it helps he already wears an spf 50 suncream daily and other than that has fairly normal skin with the odd pimple.

Thanks guys!

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I believe salicylic acid is a good exfoliant for that cause.


I have heard glycolic acid is good for ingrowns! I’m trying the ordinary glycolic acid for body exfoliation and ingrown hairs.
