last year

Acne and drinking alcohol

When I've been out drinking (mostly hard liqueur), then the next morning my inflamed pimples have calmed down and my skin is actually better. The pimples dry down a bit and form a crust on top, and they aren't swollen anymore. It's weird, because everywhere else I read, it says that alcohol makes the skin worse.

Does anyone have the same experience?

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Hi there! I’m 4+ months sober and skin has definitely improved since I stopped drinking alcohol. :) Alcohol can dry out the skin so that might be why your acne is crusting over but in the long run it can cause wrinkles / worsen acne scars because it depletes vitamins in the skin thus significantly reducing collagen and inhibiting its ability to heal itself.


Congratz for your 4+ months sober, good work!

Yep, I understand that in the long run drinking causes your skin to age prematurely and may actively create acne. I was just curious if anyone has noticed the same thing happening.

I have winter acne and even if I drink more during summer, acne rarely bothers me then.
