Maria from WIMJ
3 years ago

New search is live: filter by contains / does not contain ingredient, product type, SPF, skin benefit

We've updated our search! You can now use many new filters (hopefully in a more convenient way) - just click on the search icon in the website header. Please let us know how the new search is working for you: what you like, what you don't like, and what we should build next.

Your feedback is gold to us!

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I think the new search functions are great. Thanks for giving us more flexibility. What would be most useful for me is to be able to sort by two categories at once i.e. so I can identify products that get 'green' ratings for both 'promises fulfilled' and 'irritancy'.


Thank you so much for your feedback! We'll brainstorm how we could enable sorting/filtering by both parameters at the same time, this makes a lot of sense
