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Retinoids can help reduce pigmentation and can help even out the texture. If you are looking to get rid of old scars fully, a procedure supervised by a good dermatologist (like a laser treatment or a series of strong peels) might be the most effective solution
the ordinary peeling solution. i know it gets a bad rep but that’s mostly because people overuse it. i only use it once a month, it’s really helped with my pigmentation, dark spots, and old acne scars. i would not recommend using it more than 2x a month, because of how potentially irritating it can be. after u use it i would recommend focusing just on hydration and healing for a few days and cutting out ahas/bhas/phas etc for a few days as well.
the bliss clear genius acne spot treatment is obviously advertised for active acne, but i have been using it on my acne scars and putting a little bit of cicabalm on top and i have noticed straight up miracles.