I have sensitive skin. I love using this product, it makes my skin glow beautifully but the irritancy score is high. Should I avoid it? Although it has not caused any problems. My main concern is if it will age my skin in the long run? Or does that not happen if I haven't experienced any other problems with it. Please advise.
Skin sensitivities are very individual. A potentially irritating ingredient is only a problem if it is actually irritating for you. Avoiding ingredients with high irritation risk is a good way to minimize the risk of irritation, but if your skin is fine with an ingredient(s), no reason to sacrifice a favourite product with it - even if it is marked as a "common irritant" or with a "high irritancy risk". So I'd say stick with you favourite sunscreen! It's only if you do get signs of irritation - your skin feels reactive, dry, you get redness or flaky bits, then it does make sense to cut out everything with high irritation risk. If your skin improves after that, you can slowly re-introduce the old products you really liked one at a time (for example, one product in 2-3 weeks) and watch your skin reaction closely.
The only thing that will make your skin age is if you dont sleep enough dont drink enough water or not using a proper skincare routine
if it doesnt cause you any harm you should use it . It says it can be irritant because some people have sensitive skin to essential oils or other ingredients but it doesnt mean it applies to you ! essential oils can be very beneficial !