Hi there I would like to know if my skincare routine looks good and also how I could improve. I am almost 30 and have combination to dry skin.
I am currently not using a vit a as I am breast feeding but would like to incorporate at some point.
Should i be using a bha somewhere in my routine? Do I have too many Ahas for night?
I am also not too sure how often I should be using Ahas and Bhas as well as when in my routine.
Morning looks like this-
Oil cleanse-hyaluronic on damp face-niacinamide-vitc-moisturiser-spf
Night time looks like this
Oil cleanse-kiehls cleanser/skinstitut glyolic(every 2nd or 3rd)-ren aha tonic (every 2ndish after kiehls)-hyaluronic on damp skin-moisturiser-juno(very rarely as I forget)
Thank you!
There is no need to add BHA (they are more effective than AHA for acne and clogged pores, but AHAs are better for anti-aging & brightening).
You are using great actives in your routine already: Ascrobic acid, Niacinamide & AHAs. So I'd say you are doing everything right! The only thing I'd change is cleansing less / relying less on cleansers to deliver active ingredients to your routine. You can take a look at our cleansing guide: https://whatsinmyjar.com/skin-concerns/all-about-cleansing-wimj-cleansing-guide
Because you've mentioned that you are considering starting a retinoid, this guide for retinoids for brightening might be helpful (we've just published it!): https://whatsinmyjar.com/skin-concerns/retinoids-for-hyperpigmentation-retinoid-guide-part-3